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AFAA-GFI für ZIN™ Mitglieder

What will I receive when I upgrade to the AFAA-GFI For ZIN™ bundle?
The AFAA Group Fitness Instructor Certification For ZIN™ gives you immediate access to all the tools you need to get and maintain your International Group Fitness Instructor certification for only $10/month (that’s 60% off retail). This ZIN™ Exclusive bundle allows you to become a qualified Group Fitness professional in less time, gain credibility with a trusted credential, and easily maintain your active certification status with ongoing continuing education requirements at no additional cost.

The bundle includes:

  • AFAA Group Fitness Instructor Certification Course adapted for ZINs ($299 in value)
  • AFAA Certified Group Fitness Instructor or AFAA International Certified Group Fitness Instructor Certification once the program is completed and exam** passed
  • Receive 5 online educational courses per year, which will help you to easily complete your recertification requirements (Continuing Education Units up to $175 in value). These will be delivered every other month.
  • 1 additional online AFAA/NASM fitness or wellness course every year ($99-$299 in value).
  • Recertification Application fee covered ($99 in value)***
  • AFAA Group Fitness Instructor certified badge on your Zumba.com Instructor Page
  • ZIN™ exclusive dashboard to access your AFAA educational courses and keep track of your certification needs
*Signing up for the bundle has a 1 year initial commitment. After the first year, you may downgrade/cancel at any time.
**Exam will be purchased separately at 68% discount ($79 vs. $249 regular price).
***As long as you are still a ZIN™ Member in good standing, including AFAA-GFI for ZIN™ bundle at time of recertification.
Who can opt in to the AFAA-GFI For ZIN™ bundle?
This AFAA-GFI For ZIN™ bundle is available for ZIN™ Members anywhere in the world in English and Spanish to help further their education. The AFAA Group Fitness Instructor credential is recognized in the US and offers CPD credits in the UK, but ZINs outside of these countries will have access to this bundle to get this certification, recognition, and education from one of the leading certifying organizations in the world. Please note that to complete the certification process, you must enroll and pass the exam*
Are there any prerequisites to sign up for the AFAA-GFI For ZIN™ bundle?
  • The only prerequisites to sign up to the AFAA-GFI For ZIN™ bundle are a Zumba® Instructor License and ZIN™ membership in good standing. Please note, however, that Emergency Cardiac Care (CPR) and Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Certification for Adults is required to present prior to sitting for the proctored Certified Group Fitness Instructor (CGFI) exam. CPR/AED is not required to enroll in the certification exam but is required to be able to take the exam. We encourage you to sign up for the AFAA-GFI For ZIN™ bundle and start making progress on the Group Fitness Instructor (GFI) certification course even if you don’t have your CPR/AED certification yet. Ultimately, you will still have to complete the online GFI course and sign up to the exam through AFAA. From there, you still have 180 days to complete the CPR/AED certification and take the exam so you can start making progress towards both simultaneously.
  • Here is some additional information on the CPR/AED Certification requirements:
    • CPR/AED certification is NOT required to sign up for the AFAA-GFI for ZIN™ bundle but will be required prior to taking the exam (obtaining CPR/AED will be required only after completing the GFI course and registering for the exam).
    • Most organizations offer Adult CPR & AED training together as one offering. Here are some CPR/AED Certifications recommended by AFAA: American Heart Association, American Red Cross, American Safety and Health Institute.
    • AFAA recognizes that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there is very limited availability of hands-on skills assessments for CPR/AED certifications. AFAA will be temporarily waiving the hands-on skills assessment requirement and accepting online-only CPR/AED courses. This waiver applies to exam candidates and professionals recertifying their credentials. This waiver will be in effect until the CDC and government recommendations for social distancing have been lifted in the United States. Once the social distancing orders have been lifted, there will be a 60-day window before the hands-on requirement will be reinstated. AFAA recommends that anyone who certified or recertified during the Waiver Period obtain the hands-on skills assessment once available to avoid any insurance or liability issues which could arise due to the lack of such training. Please note: The online course must still include Adult CPR/AED.
    • If you have any additional questions on these prerequisites, contact AFAA Member Services at +1-800-446-2322, option 2.
Once I upgrade, when is the AFAA Group Fitness Instructor (AFAA-GFI) course available to me? When do I start receiving the CEU courses and other benefits?
Once you have successfully opted in to the AFAA-GFI For ZIN™ bundle via your ZIN account on Zumba.com, you will have immediate access to the AFAA Group Fitness Instructor course for ZINs via your AFAA dashboard on ZIN™ Home. You will also start receiving the additional content to get credits towards recertification every other month on the 10th of these months: January, March, May, July, September, and November (even if you haven't finished your AFAA-GFI course or passed the test). However, CEU credits from completed quizzes only apply towards Recertification requirements to current accredited certifications. So, ZINs should not complete CEU Corners quizzes until they’ve completed their AFAA-GFI course, passed their exam, and completed full certification to ensure they receive the credits needed for recertification.
When will I receive the ongoing courses I receive by upgrading to this bundle?
Every 2 months on the 10th of the following months: January, March, May, July, September, and November.
How will I be charged for the upgrade cost of $10/month?
The fee for this bundle will be charged with your ZIN™ monthly payment.
Once I take the AFAA-GFI course, am I immediately certified?
Nach Abschluss des AFAA-GFI-Kurses musst du dich anmelden und die Prüfung bestehen. Nach erfolgreichem Abschluss erhältst du ein Zertifikat, das 2 Jahre gültig ist. Du kannst im AFAA-Kundenportal auf eine digitale Kopie deines Zertifikats und deines digitalen AFAA-Abzeichens zugreifen.
What languages will the AFAA-GFI course & exam and the ongoing bi-monthly content be available in?
  • The AFAA-GFI Course & Bi-monthly Courses are available in English & Spanish.
  • Certification Exam:
    • AFAA Certified Group Fitness Instructor (AFAA-CGFI) exam: This is a proctored exam and is only available in English. Testing can be completed in person at a testing facility or online with a live remote proctor. Successfully passing this exam will award you the AFAA-CGFI credential. For more information about testing locations, please visit https://www.afaa.com/faqs.
    • AFAA Group Fitness Instructor (AFAA-GFI) Certificate exam: This is a non-proctored exam and is available in both English and Spanish. Testing is completed online through your AFAA Customer Portal. Successfully passing this exam will award you with the AFAA-GFI credential.
Can you provide more details on what the bi-monthly content I’ll receive as part of this bundle is?
As part of the AFAA-GFI For ZIN™ bundle, you will receive educational content that you can complete to receive and achieve the credits (CEUs) required for recertification. Usually, you’d need to find and purchase these courses separately. As part of this bundle, they will be delivered to you on a personalized dashboard that you can access on ZIN™ Home at no additional cost. The bi-monthly courses will consist of:
  • 5 CEU Corners per year ($175 in value): These are small, focused courses on a variety of subjects related to exercise, health, nutrition, behavior, or emotions that are engaging and appropriate for all audiences. They are similar to an educational article providing the science connected to practical application. Once the quiz is completed successfully, you will receive 2 CEUs that will count towards your recertification (15 CEUs are required for recertification every 2 yrs).
  • 1 additional online AFAA/NASM fitness or wellness course every year ($99-$299 in value): These courses cover topics associated with fitness and wellness but not directly related to group fitness or personal training job requirements. These are geared towards the professional and will cover topics in more depth than CEU Corners. Topics can vary from Mental Toughness to Women in Fitness. Once completed successfully, these courses also provide CEUs (i.e. credits) towards recertification. CEUs vary by Continuing Education Course provided with at least 10 CEUs per annual course.
How long will the AFAA-GFI certification course take?
The AFAA-GFI course for ZIN™ will take around ~25% less time to complete than the regular GFI course offered by AFAA (20-25 hours for the original course versus approximately 15 hours for the AFAA-GFI for ZIN™ course). The reason the course offered to ZINs is shorter is because we worked with AFAA to map the competencies and abilities learned in Zumba Basic 1 training. AFAA is recognizing those abilities learned as "recognition of prior learning" and has removed some content to reflect this, which results in a shorter course.
What is a CEU? How many are required to recertify?
The acronym "CEU" stands for Continuing Education Unit. Continuing education programs are intended to promote continued competence, development of knowledge and skills, and enhancement of professional skills and judgment beyond the levels required for entry-level practice.

Currently, a minimum of 15 CEUs is required for recertification every 2 years. This is equivalent to 15 contact hours (1 contact hour is equivalent to 1 CEU). Two contact hours (2 CEUs) must be from an AFAA or NASM course.

For additional details, please reference the AFAA recertification guidelines here: https://www.afaa.com/recertify
Once I have completed the GFI course, how do I register for the exam?
Sobald du den GFI-Kurs abgeschlossen hast, der Teil des AFAA-GFI For ZIN™-Pakets ist, wirst du angewiesen, die AFAA-Programmberater*in unter +1-844-956-2799 (ENGLISCH) oder +1-844-246-1049 (SPANISCH) anzurufen, um deine Prüfung zu erwerben.

Wichtiger Hinweis: Die derzeit verfügbare Prüfung basiert auf dem GFI 3.0-Kurs. Wenn du derzeit den GFI 2.0-Kurs verwendest, kannst du diese Version des Kurses weiterhin verwenden und die 3.0-Prüfung ablegen. Wir empfehlen dir, die GFI 3.0-Übungsprüfungsübersicht zu absolvieren, um sicherzustellen, dass du bereit bist. Du findest diese im GFI 3.0-Kurs, der dir bereits in deinem ZIN-Dashboard zur Verfügung gestellt wurde. Du kannst auch zum Kurs 3.0 wechseln, wenn du das bevorzugst.

Sobald du bereit bist, kannst du die Prüfung jederzeit erwerben, indem das das Beratungsteam des AFAA-Programms unter +1-844-956-2799 (Englisch) oder +1-844-246-1049 (Spanisch) anrufst.
Gibt es, nachdem ich mich für die Prüfung angemeldet habe, eine Frist, binnen derer ich die Prüfung abzulegen habe?
Deine Prüfungsoptionen und die jeweiligen Standardfristen findest du weiter unten.
  • Prüfung zum AFAA Certified Group Fitness Instructor (AFAA-CGFI): Die beaufsichtigte Zertifizierungsprüfung muss innerhalb von 180 Tagen nach der Prüfungsanmeldung geplant und absolviert werden.
  • Wichtiger Hinweis: Die GFI 2.0-Prüfung wird am 21. August 2024 eingestellt. Wenn Sie bis zu diesem Datum nicht bereit sind, Ihre Prüfung abzulegen, empfehlen wir Ihnen, auf die neue Version 3.0 des Kurses umzusteigen. Der neue Kurs wird Ihnen automatisch in Ihrem ZIN-Dashboard zur Verfügung gestellt. Sobald Sie bereit sind, können Sie die neue Prüfung jederzeit erwerben, indem Sie das AFAA-Programmberatungsteam unter +1-844-956-2799 (Englisch) oder +1-844-246-1049 (Spanisch) anrufen.
  • Zertifikatsprüfung zum AFAA Group Fitness Instructor (AFAA-GFI): Die Online-Zertifizierungsprüfung ohne Aufsicht muss innerhalb von 180 Tagen nach der Prüfungsanmeldung abgelegt werden.
Wie geht es weiter, wenn man bei der Zertifizierungsprüfung durchfällt?
  • Prüfung zum AFAA Certified Group Fitness Instructor (AFAA-CGFI): Die beaufsichtigte Prüfung AFAA-CGFI bietet dir bei der Anmeldung einen einzigen Prüfungsversuch. Wenn du deine Prüfung nicht bestanden hast, musst du dich an den AFAA-Mitgliederservice wenden, um eine Wiederholungsprüfung zu erwerben. Bitte beachte, dass für die Wiederholungsprüfung Wartezeiten und zusätzliche Gebühren anfallen können. Weitere Informationen zu den erforderlichen Wartezeiten findest du unter  https://www.afaa.com/courses/exam-information.
  • Für die AFAA-ICGFI Prüfung hast du (3) Prüfungsversuche nach der Anmeldung. Wenn du die Prüfung nach diesen ersten 3 Versuchen nicht bestanden hast, musst du dich an den AFAA Mitglieder-Service wenden, um einen neuen Prüfungstermin zu erwerben.
  • Der AFAA Mitglieder-Service kann telefonisch unter folgender Nummer kontaktiert werden: 800-446-2322, Option 3
Is there a minimum time commitment if I upgrade to the AFAA-GFI For ZIN™ bundle?
Initial commitment is for 1 year on your first year of the upgrade. Thus, you can't downgrade until after the first year. After that time, you may downgrade by calling Zumba Customer Care.
When do I get the AFAA-GFI certified badge on my Zumba profile?
You will receive the AFAA-GFI certified badge once you pass your exam and you are GFI certified.
I received access to my free annual course, but am unsure how to access the exam?
Some of the annual courses have separate online content and exams. Whenever you are ready to take the online course exam (English or Spanish), contact AFAA Member Services at 800-446-2322 option 2. As long as your upgrade remains active, the course exam is included in your upgrade benefits, and there is no additional charge at the time of enrollment.
Can I get a badge on my instructor profile if I don’t have the AFAA-GFI For ZIN™ upgrade, but I am AFAA-GFI certified?
Unfortunately no, as we can’t validate it.
I am already AFAA-GFI certified. Can I opt in to this upgrade, and is there value for me in doing so?
If you are already AFAA-GFI certified, you are able to take advantage of the AFAA-GFI Certification for ZIN™ bundle to help you continue to obtain credits (CEUs) towards recertification for only $10/month. Plus, you won’t need to pay the recertification fee of $99 every 2 years.
Once you sign-up for this bundle through your ZIN Membership Account, you will have the opportunity to link your AFAA account. You will have the option to take the AFAA-GFI course for ZIN™, if you wish, but it won’t be mandatory if you’re already certified. You will also start getting the bi-monthly content and items below:
  • 5 online CEU courses per year to complete your CEU requirements
  • Recertification renewal fee included
  • Additional AFAA or NASM course between $99-$299 in value every year to further your development
  • AFAA-GFI certified badge on your Zumba.com Instructor Page
If I'm already GFI certified and have already gotten some credits, will those still count for recertification if I move to the AFAA-GFI For ZIN™ upgrade?
All approved continuing education completed within your certification timeframe will be applicable towards your recertification requirements. Please note: The renewal requirement is a total of 15 contact hours (15 CEUs) which includes the mandatory CPR/AED certification and AFAA course completion. All CEUs must be completed within the certification timeframe. Any additional CEUs beyond the 15 CEU requirement will not roll over into the next renewal period. For any questions on your specific account, please contact AFAA Member Services at +1-800-446-2322, option #2.
If I am already GFI Certified and my recertification date is coming up, can I sign up for the AFAA-GFI For ZIN™ bundle?
Yes, you may sign up for the AFAA-GFI For ZIN™ bundle regardless of where you are in your renewal timeline. You will still be responsible for meeting the standard renewal/recertification requirements. This will include completing the CEUs and submitting your application by your certificate expiration date, or grace period. If the grace period is utilized, you will be responsible for the additional late fee.
Can someone who is already AFAA PGE certified opt in to upgrade? If so, how? What details do they need to know?
If you are already AFAA-PGE certified, you are able to take advantage of the AFAA-GFI Certification for ZIN™ bundle to help you continue to obtain credits towards your PGE recertification* for only $10/month. Plus, you can get GFI certified as well.

Once you sign-up for this bundle through your ZIN Membership Account, you will have the opportunity to link your AFAA account. You will have the option to take the AFAA-GFI course for ZIN™, if you wish, but it won’t be mandatory if you’re already PGE certified.

*Standard renewal requirements still apply.
When is the GFI online course available to ZINs who upgrade to the AFAA-GFI For ZIN™ bundle?
Once you have opted in to add-on via your ZIN™ account on Zumba.com.
Is this add-on mandatory?
No, this is an optional upgrade created to help ZINs obtain Group Fitness Certification by a leading organization at a greatly reduced cost.
How does someone who is part of the AFAA-GFI For ZIN™ bundle get recertification?
SCHRITT 1: Füllen Sie den AFAA Antrag auf Verlängerung aus:

SCHRITT 2: Schicken Sie Ihre Unterlagen per E-Mail ein:

  1. Der AFAA Antrag auf Verlängerung (mit Nachweis über Namensänderung, sofern zutreffend.)
  2. Eine Kopie des Dokuments, das deine erworbenen CEUs nachweist.
  3. Eine Kopie der VORDER- und RÜCKSEITE deines praktischen CPR/AED-Zertifikats (HLW- und Frühdefibrilator-Zertifikat).
  • Senden Sie Ihre Unterlagen per E-Mail an: recerts@ascendlearning.com
  • *Bitte senden Sie uns alle Unterlagen in EINEM EINZELNEN PDF zu. Zahlungen und Anträge werden separat bearbeitet. Die Zahlungen werden sofort bei Eingang bearbeitet. Bitte geben Sie uns 30 Tage Zeit zur Bearbeitung.
Wenn Ihr Zertifikat abgelaufen ist: AFAA bietet eine Nachfrist von 180 Tagen nach Ablauf Ihres Zertifikats, um CEUs zu erhalten. Wenn die CEUs innerhalb der 180-Tage Nachfrist abgeschlossen wurden, haben Sie ein Jahr Zeit, um die Unterlagen für Ihre erneute Zertifizierung einzureichen. Sollten Sie die erforderlichen CEU nicht binnen der Nachfrist abschließen, müssen Sie erneut an einer Prüfung teilnehmen. Es wird eine Säumnisgebühr (pro Zertifikat) fällig, wenn Anträge nach dem Ablauf Ihres Zertifikats eingereicht werden.
Wo kann ich die Credits (CEUs) anzeigen lassen, die ich schon für die Verlängerung des Zertifikats erhalten habe?

    Alle Kurse, die über AFAA, NASM, AFAA/Zumba absolviert werden, stehen auf deinem Schulungsportal auf deinem AFAA-Konto zur Verfügung. Die CEUs werden bei den Records of Completion (abgeschlossene Kurse - auch auf deinem Schulungsportal) angezeigt. Alle Kurse, die auf der AFAA/NASM Liste mit anerkannten Schulungsanbietern stehen werden als anerkannte CEU berechnet. Kurse, die nicht auf dieser Liste stehen, müssen erfragt werden. Den Antrag und weitere Informationen findest du hier.

    • Welche Credits sind für eine Verlängerung des Zertifikats erforderlich? Zusätzlich zu den vorgenannten Bedingungen müssen die Kurse binnen des Zeitrahmens zur Verlängerung absolviert werden, damit sie für die Verlängerung des Zertifikats angerechnet werden.
What is the difference between AFAA and NASM?
AFAA, The Athletics and Fitness Association of America, is known as The Group Fitness Experts. Since 1983, AFAA has prepared over 350,000 fitness instructors and trainers in 73 countries. AFAA released the first nationally standardized guidelines for fitness professionals AFAA also offers fitness professionals with opportunities to bolster their career and broaden their skills with specializations in Yoga, Indoor Cycling and more.

NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine) is the most respected personal training certification in the health and fitness industry. For more than 30 years, NASM has set the standard in Personal Training certifications, continuing education, solutions and tools for health and fitness, sports performance, and sports medicine professionals. NASM’s exclusive Optimum Performance Training (OPT™) model offers an industry-first comprehensive training system based on scientific, evidence-based research, empowering personal trainers to effectively and safely train clients aged 9 to 99.

NASM and AFAA are both part of Ascend Learning, the leader in providing technology-based education and certification solutions.
If I have additional questions not answered above, who may I contact?
Contact Zumba Customer Care for general questions about the AFAA-GFI for ZIN™ bundle, for billing questions if you’ve signed up to the bundle, or any issues with access to your AFAA-GFI for ZIN™ courses.

Contact AFAA Member Services at +1-800-446-2322, option #2, for questions on pre-requisites, courses, exam, recertification timing and needs.
Are there any prerequisites to sit for the AFAA certification exams?
  • Both exams require you to have a valid CPR & AED Certification.
  • The GFI non-proctored exam requires you to simply confirm you hold a valid CPR &AED credential at the time of your exam.
  • The proctored CGFI exam requires that you present a valid CPR & AED certification at the time of your exam appointment. Failure to provide this will result in the forfeiture of your exam appointment.
  • Here is some additional information on the CPR/AED Certification requirements:
    • CPR/AED certification is NOT required to sign up for the AFAA-GFI for ZIN™ bundle but will be required prior to taking the exam.
    • Most organizations offer Adult CPR & AED training together as one offering. You may obtain the CPR/AED Certification from your preferred organization. If you'd like to take advantage of AFAA's CPR/AED online certification, you may register for $14.99 (40% discount off $24.99) by calling AFAA at +1-844-956-2799 (English) or +1-844-246-1049 (Spanish). This discount is exclusive to ZINs with the AFAA-GFI for ZIN Add-On.
    • If you have any additional questions on these prerequisites, contact AFAA Member Services at +1-800-446-2322, option 2.
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