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What is Noom and how does Noom help individuals with their personal health and wellness goals?
Noom is the digital healthcare company empowering everyone, everywhere to live a better, healthier life by improving whole-person health.

Noom’s Healthy Weight program uses the latest in proven behavioral science to empower people to take control of their health for good. Through a combination of psychology, technology, and human coaching, Noom’s platform helps individuals achieve their health and wellness goals.

Noom’s program helps individuals better understand their relationship with food, how to be more mindful of their habits, and provides the knowledge and support needed to create lasting change and achievement of positive health outcomes.
How do I become a Noom Mindset Coach?
Noom is giving an exclusive opportunity for ZIN™ & SYNC members to become Noom Mindset Coaches at no cost for a limited time (vs. MSRP $499). There are two levels that can be achieved through two different Noom Mindset Coaching self-paced, online courses. To become a Noom Mindset Coach, you will need to complete the Level 1 Noom Mindset Coaching Program. Completing the Level 1 program is a prerequisite before moving on to the Level 2 program. Pursuing the Level 2 program is completely optional, but will further expand the opportunities for each coach. Upon completion of the Level 2 program, you will have the opportunity to become a Senior Noom Mindset Coach (see the How to Become a Senior Noom Mindset Coach FAQ for additional details).

The Level 1 Noom Mindset Coaching program is a 6-hour on-demand course that teaches behavior change principles, goal setting and accountability, sample user scenarios, and an opportunity for virtual coaching practice. When you successfully complete the program, you will become a licensed Noom Mindset Coach (NMC). As an NMC, you will receive an invitation via email to set up your profile on the Noom Mindset Coaching dashboard and you can then begin inviting users to join Noom to work with you as their coach once they enroll into the Noom Healthy Weight Premium and/or Live Coaching programs!

The Level 2 Senior Noom Mindset Coaching program is an additional 6 hours of self-paced on-demand training that builds on the knowledge you gained in Level 1 and teaches a more comprehensive understanding to helping individuals with their personal health and wellness goals. The Level 2 course gives you the opportunity to become a Senior Noom Mindset Coach, which enables you to continue to coach users you bring into the Noom Healthy Weight Premium and/or Live Coaching Programs PLUS you will also be able to coach Noom customers that Noom will match you with!
What are the subscription levels available to my referred Noom users in the Noom Healthy Weight program?
The Noom Healthy Weight program has two subscription options (or levels) that users select during the purchase process, they are:

Noom Healthy Weight (~$35/month on avg)

Noom Healthy Weight Premium (~$55/month on avg)

The two main differentiators between these subscription levels are:

the amount of access to human coaching; and

the amount of content and features available in the app.

From a Coaching perspective, the levels are differentiated as follows:

Noom Healthy Weight: Users have access to an AI health-assistant (named Welli) and a pool of human guides for basic questions, but currently no dedicated human coach.

Noom Healthy Weight Premium: In addition to Welli, users are assigned a single, dedicated human Noom Mindset Coach responsible for guiding them through their Noom experience. Connection with the coach is through unlimited 1:1 messaging / texting in the Noom app. As a Noom Mindset Coach, when you refer a user to Noom and they choose Noom Healthy Weight Premium, you will serve as their coach and be compensated for both the referral and the coaching services provided.
What is the earning potential of a Noom Mindset Coach?
Noom Mindset Coaches’ earnings are determined by two factors: the number of users you refer to Noom that complete the Noom Trial and become active paid subscribers, and the Noom subscription tier they sign up for.

Your initial earnings as a NMC are linked directly to the people you refer to Noom. You'll receive $10 for each referral who signs up for the limited time Noom Trial, and you will receive an additional $10 for each referral who becomes an active paid subscriber after the trial period expires.

In addition to that, you will earn $10 per month per Premium user that you actively coach, which takes approximately 15 minutes per month on average.

Here is an example:

You suggest to a student from your class, “Eva” that she try Noom! You inform her that she receives a 10% discount if she subscribes using your referral link! Eva signs up for the Noom Trial through your referral link and then subscribes to Noom for a 6-month Healthy Weight Premium plan so that she can have access to your dedicated 1:1 coaching via Direct Message. With this one referral, as you are actively coaching Eva, you will earn a total of $80 over the six month subscription!

$10 for the referral sign up and trial period

$10 for the successful conversion to a paid subscription

$60* - $10 per month that you actively coach

And there’s more. In addition to your Premium referral earnings, you can get an additional $50 per month for every user who upgrades to Live Coaching Calls as you complete the video or audio calls via the app each month. This generally requires an additional 1-2 hours per month of active coaching time.

As you successfully refer and coach users through this program, you will have the option to become a Senior Noom Mindset coach and unlock additional earning opportunities.
What are the responsibilities of a Noom Mindset Coach (NMC)?
As a Noom Mindset Coach, your primary responsibility is to guide Noom users through their Noom experience and help them achieve their personal health and wellness goals. You’ll provide the human touch and support Noom Healthy Weight Premium users’ needs as they go through the Noom program. Your Noom users will look to you as their Noom expert!

You’ll be providing guidance on the most common actions that produce success, how to plan and focus their efforts on specific behaviors, how to deal with plateaus and setbacks, as well as providing answers to general program questions, holding them accountable, and offering positive reinforcement and encouragement. Additionally, for some Noom users this may include helping them implement recommendations given to them by a healthcare provider.

You will not be responsible for providing psychotherapy, offering treatment or dietary recommendations for disordered eating, or similar non-coaching work.
What types of activities are expected of a Noom Mindset Coach?
The most important aspect of your role as a Noom Mindset Coach is to connect with Noom users and support them through their health and wellness behavior change efforts.

The primary activities you will be engaged in with your Noom Healthy Weight Premium users are responding to their questions, messaging via in-app chat, assessing their progress, and regularly checking in to see how they are doing, providing positive reinforcement, holding them accountable, and keeping them motivated. Noom will provide all the tools and training you need to provide this service successfully.

For users who choose Noom’s Live Coaching Calls Add-on subscription, in addition to in-app communication you will also need to schedule and conduct weekly voice or video call sessions, which may add 1-2 hours of time per month..

Currently there is no human coaching offered to users who choose the base-tier Noom Healthy Weight subscription. In the future, we intend to add a group coaching experience at this tier, which will increase the earning potential for Senior Noom Mindset Coaches by enabling them to serve as the coach for groups of Noom users. As a group coach, you will be responsible for facilitating and leading regular discussions in user groups. More information will be provided to you later in the year, as this new feature approaches launch.
What are the requirements to become a Noom Mindset Coach?
In order to be eligible to become a Noom Mindset Coach, you must be 18+ years of age and:

Hold a certification/license from a credible health or fitness agency (including Zumba® and/or STRONG Nation®); OR

Have 100 hours of relevant experience; OR

Hold an associates level or higher degree in a related field.
Must a test be passed to complete the Noom Mindset Coaching Program?
There will be short quizzes in the courses that need to be passed to complete the Noom Mindset Coaching Program and become an active coach.
Is there a monthly cost or other requirements to remain as a Noom Mindset Coach?
There is no monthly fee to remain as a Noom Mindset Coach.

Noom Mindset Coaches must meet Noom’s expectations to remain active as a Noom Coach: Coaches will be expected to follow Noom's 24-hour response time during business hours in their local timezone. We also ask users periodically about their satisfaction with the coaching experience (CSAT), and you will be expected to meet a minimum average CSAT score to continue participating in the Noom Mindset Coaching Program. If you are not meeting these expectations, there will be opportunity for feedback and improvement; however, Noom always reserves the right to remove your NMC status.

There are no relicensing requirements.
How long will it take to coach users as a Noom Mindset Coach on a daily or weekly basis? Is there a time commitment?
As a Noom Mindset Coach, the amount of time you’ll spend coaching Noom users will depend on how many users you refer and which Noom program they’re enrolled in. Your Noom Healthy Weight Premium users will have access to 1:1 direct messaging with you. You are responsible for reaching out weekly and responding to user messages within 24 hours during business hours (Monday to Friday). For each user you bring into the program, this may mean about 5-10 minutes each business day Monday to Friday.

If you’re working with a user who has the Live Coaching Calls Add-on, you’ll have weekly voice or video calls and check-ins that will take a bit more time. On average, introductory calls take about 30-40 minutes and weekly check-in calls take about 20 minutes per referred user. The time you will spend on video calls depends on the amount of referred users and the stage in their journey.

If you are a Senior Noom Mindset Coach, Noom requires a minimum commitment of 5 hours per week (up to 40 hrs), spread roughly evenly across five business days. Noom’s team will assign users to you based on their user demand and your weekly hourly commitment, which you are able to adjust with notice.
Are there growth opportunities as a Noom Mindset Coach?
When you successfully complete the Level 1 Noom Mindset Coaching course, you’ll earn a Noom Mindset Coach license. Noom Mindset Coaches may refer (and earn from!) subscribers to both Noom Healthy Weight subscription levels. However, you are currently only responsible for actively coaching your Noom Healthy Weight Premium users, and those with the Live Coaching Calls add-on.

Once you’ve referred and coached a number of users, as long as you meet Noom’s minimum thresholds for customer satisfaction and other quality metrics, you can take the Level 2 Noom Mindset Coaching course to become a Senior Noom Mindset Coach, which offers more earning opportunities. Senior Noom Mindset Coaches are able to coach Noom users that they have not personally referred - Noom will assign you users. To see more information on requirements to be a Senior Noom Mindset Coach, please refer to that FAQ.
How to become a Senior Noom Mindset Coach?
In order to become a Senior Noom Mindset Coach, you are required to take an additional [~6]-hour on-demand course. You also are required to bring at least 10 referred users to Noom, 3 of which must sign up for the Noom Healthy Weight Premium subscription tier and work with you directly as their coach. These users must be subscribed users, meaning they have paid for a subscription after their 7-day trial period. Lastly, you must be willing to commit a minimum of 5 hours a week to coach additional users. You can work up to 40 hours per week (subject to Noom user demand).

If the above criteria are met, Noom will give you a small cohort of users to begin coaching. Your response time adherence and customer satisfaction ratings will be reviewed within 30 days. After this point, if you meet our minimum expectations, you can be assigned additional users up to your hourly commitment.
What can be done to grow your Noom Coaching business as a Noom Mindset Coach?
As a Noom Mindset Coach, you become empowered to make a big difference in the health outcomes of others. The more time you can dedicate to coaching, the higher your earning potential becomes!

The most important thing you can do to grow your business, as your participants’ Noom Expert, is to help them progressively improve their health outcomes and create lasting behavior change. The combination of your coaching and Noom’s app is the key to your success as a Noom Mindset Coach!

With that in mind, there are a number of things you can do to attract, engage, and refer users to grow your Noom coaching business. Upon completion of the Level 1 Noom Mindset Coaching Program, you will receive a Noom Mindset Coach starter marketing kit! This will include a variety of resources to help you learn about the NMC program and begin recruiting referrals to Noom!

A key to your success will be emphasizing that as a Noom Healthy Weight Premium subscriber, you’ll be their dedicated 1-on-1 coach throughout their Noom experience, and each person will receive a 10% discount on their Noom subscription.

You can also continue to expand your Noom Coaching business by sharing your referral link to your community and encouraging them to spread the word. With more referred users you will have a larger population of Premium users that will want your dedicated coaching and will bring you higher earnings.
What is the process for a Noom Mindset Coach to bring their student/friend to sign up as a Noom user and receive a 10% discount? Where can You see the students linked to You?
As a Noom Mindset Coach, you will be able to share your referral link that, when someone signs up via the link, will connect that new signup to you. You will be able to view your referrals within the referral section in your Coach profile on the Noom Coach Dashboard.
Where can Noom Mindset Coaches see and track their earnings?
As a Noom Mindset Coach, you will have access to a coach dashboard on Noom (the Noom Coach Dashboard) where you can see your referrals, coach matches and earnings.
If a ZIN™ or SYNC Member no longer wants to be a Noom Mindset Coach, how do they cancel? Is there a minimum commitment time before they can cancel?
Noom Mindset Coaches who no longer want to coach will have the option to either stop accepting new users (effective immediately) or offboard all of their users and become “inactive”. Noom requests that a Noom Mindset Coach provides at least two week’s notice if they want to offboard users. Noom Mindset Coaches can cancel in the Noom Coach Dashboard. When a Noom Mindset Coach cancels, the Noom badge will be removed from their ZIN/SYNC instructor profile.
What happens if a ZIN™ or SYNC Member who is a Noom Mindset Coach cancels their ZIN and/or SYNC membership, but wants to remain as a Noom Mindset Coach?
In the case that a ZIN/SYNC member is no longer a ZIN/SYNC member, they will need to pay a reinstatement fee of US$300 to Noom to be eligible to continue earning referral commissions and/or receiving new coaching customers from Noom. They will, however, continue to be able to coach any Noom customers they are already working with.
Do I receive continuing education credits for taking the Level 1 NMC Course? Level 2 Course? If yes, which organizations and how many?
The Level 1 Noom Mindset Coach course has been approved for continuing education through 3 providers: NBHWC (2.5 units), NASM (.6 units), and AFAA (6 units).
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