이벤트 정보

Zumba® Master Class with Maisa and Friends

...에서 St. Michael's Church, Hamilton, ON



설명  Teaching Zumba Fitness is a passion for me and it is also for many ZIN colleagues I know. Every year for my birthday I try to celebrate the best way I know, and in the past few years Zumba has been an active part of this celebration, this time a few other wonderful Zin member of my area, who are also celebrating their birthdays, are tagging along to participate and share their love and passionfor this fitness format. I am extremely happy to celebrate and dance with all of you.

행사 참가자:  일반에 공개

워킹 인  수락됨

행사 언어:  English

티켓 유형 판매 종료 가격 수량
Ealy bird $ 15.00 (CAD) Wed, Nov 23 $ 15.00 (CAD)
Door tickets $ 20.00 (CAD) Fri, Nov 25 $ 20.00 (CAD)
죄송합니다. 현재 판매 가능한 티켓이 없습니다.

지도 강사 정보