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Zumbathon® Charity Event for BFLS and CARES

...에서 Putnam County Parks and Recreation, Hurricane, WV



설명  To celebrate #autismawareness month in April let's shake it with Dance Fitness with S and B for a good cause and help Community Autism Resources & Education Systems- CARES.

CARES is a not-for-profit organization that works to support individuals and families in the autism spectrum (ASD) and developmental disability community by providing resources for life enrichment in a safe and respectful environment.

Learn more about CARES-


행사 참가자:  일반에 공개

워킹 인  수락됨

행사 언어:  English

행사 티켓

지금 등록 외부 공급 업체에서 판매 한 티켓. 타사 사이트로 리디렉션됩니다.

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