Come diventare un
istruttore Zumba ®

Iscriviti alla formazione
Scegli come seguire la tua formazione per istruttori: sono ora disponibili corsi di formazione in streaming live, on demand e di persona.
Ottieni la tua licenza
Non appena avrai completato la tua formazione, sarai autorizzato a iniziare a insegnare lezioni di Zumba®.
Iscriviti alla Zumba® Instructor Network
Con i migliori strumenti di insegnamento e risorse a portata di mano, la ZIN™ garantisce il tuo successo come istruttore Zumba®.
Ecco cosa avrai
Con il tuo corso di formazione per istruttori Zumba® otterrai tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno per trasformare la salsa in un lavoro di successo.
Licenza per insegnare
Una volta completata la formazione, riceverai la tua licenza e potrai iniziare a insegnare quando vuoi!
La formula Zumba® rende il programma Zumba® unico e rivoluzionario nel mondo del fitness. La combinazione di tre elementi nella formula si traduce in un'esperienza di fitness speciale, nuova e dinamica!
Capacità e formazione
Impara e divertiti da matti! Andrai via comprendendo i passii di base di Zumba®, coreografie, cueing e molto altro.
Supporto di livello mondiale
Sia che la tua formazione sia online o di persona, avrai accesso a uno Zumba® Education Specialist per guidarti in ogni fase del percorso.

Guadagna facendo ciò che ami

Che tu stia cercando un cambiamento di carriera o di ottenere qualche guadagno extra, Zumba è la mossa giusta.

{{students}} per lezione

{{studentMin}} {{studentMax}}

{{classes}} alla settimana

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Potenziali guadagni mensili di:

Zumba® Instructor Network
ZIN™ è un programma di abbonamento mensile creato per fornirti supporto continuo e strumenti per il successo. Avrai tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno per portare la tua carriera di istruttore al livello successivo.
Cosa otterrai
Licenza per insegnare a tempo indeterminato
Musica mensile e coreografie
App esclusive per istruttori
Supporto della community globale
Cosa dicono gli istruttori
TrustScore 4.9 | 6520 recensioni
Contatta un membro del team Zumba® per diventare un istruttore.
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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I become a Zumba® instructor?

The first step is to attend a Zumba® Basic 1, Jump Start Gold™ or Jump Start Kids & Kids Jr.™ Instructor Training. For your convenience we offer the Zumba® Basic 1 Instructor Training in 3 different formats: Livestream, In Person and On demand. For Jump Start Gold™ and Jump Start Kids + Kids Jr.™ Instructor Trainings, we offer an In Person and a Livestream format. There are no prerequisites to becoming a Zumba® Instructor, although a fitness or dance background is always a plus. Anyone 18 years or older (ages 15-17 with parental consent) may take a Zumba® Instructor Training.

What is the difference between Livestream, In Person and On Demand Trainings?

You can get the same Zumba® Basic 1 Instructor Training experience no matter what format you choose! They all have the same great content, opportunities to practice, connection with a Zumba® Education Specialist who is there to support you, and a license to teach upon completion! The only difference is how you choose to learn. Zumba® Basic 1 In Person is a one-day*, in person training at a location near you! Zumba® Basic 1 Livestream is one-day*, interactive training taught in real time through Zoom by a Zumba® Education Specialist. Zumba® Basic 1 On Demand is an online training that includes 10 hours of premium content broken up into 16 modules that you can complete at your own pace! Zumba® Basic 1 On Demand includes one month of Zumba® Instructor Network (ZIN™) Tools and Support to assist you during the training.

Exception: two-day training in India, Portugal and Poland

How long does a Zumba® instructor training take?

The duration of the training depends on the format you choose. Both In Person and Livestream Zumba® Basic 1 Instructor Trainings are done in one-day* (about 9 hours). The Zumba® Basic 1 On Demand Instructor Training is online and includes 10 hours of premium content broken up into 16 modules that you can complete at your own pace.

*Exception: Basic 1 Instructor Trainings are 2-days in India, Srilanka, and Nepal. Jumpstart Trainings are 2-days in Germany.

How long is the license good for?

Similar to most fitness certifications, the Zumba® license is good for a limited time and must be renewed so that Zumba® instructors are equipped with the most up to date teaching methods, choreography and best practices. The Zumba® license is good for 6 months. Joining the Zumba® Instructor Network will keep you license active as long as you are a member in good standing because you will always be up to date on the latest music, choreography and more!

Where can I teach Zumba® classes?

Zumba® instructors can teach in person classes at any type of location, these include fitness facilities, dance studios, community centers, parks, etc. Instructors can also teach virtual classes both livestream and on demand through pre-approved platforms?

What is the Zumba Basic 1 Instructor Training?

The Zumba® Basic Level 1 Instructor Training (also known as Zumba® Basic) prepares you with the foundation and formula to teach a Zumba® class. You will learn the steps to four basic rhythms (merengue, salsa, cumbia and reggaeton); how to put them together into a song; and how to create your first Zumba® class. We provide you with all the tools and resources you need to teach a Zumba® class. There are no prerequisites. On the day of the Instructor Training for In Person and Livestream, or, when you complete your B1 On Demand, you will receive the following materials:

  • 4 Basic Rhythms Review
  • The Zumba® Basic 1 Instructor Digital Manual
  • Zumba® Basic 1 Certificate of Completion
  • Fitness Certification Credits for Instructor Trainings (varies by country)
  • 6 months license to teach basic Zumba® classes