Informasi Acara

AUGUST 6TH 70 minute Zumba Master Class Level Up Nutrition Backyard Zumba

Di Level Up Nutrition, canton, MI



Deskripsi  Please come out and join me for some fun in the sun and Shake it with Zumba! Don't forget to grab yourself a Protein Smoothie and stay tuned for more Events to come. This promotion is to help celebrate the Grand Opening of Level Up Nutrition Canton and spread good vibes and Zumba Love. :). Join us from 10:30am-11:40am ...Bring a towel, water, and some sass. UPON ARRIVAL: 1) Check-in at the desk and pick your flavors, 2) Grab a raffle ticket, 3) Turn on your watch, & get ready to shake it!

Peserta Acara:  Terbuka untuk Umum

Datang Langsung:  Diterima

Bahasa Acara:  English

Jenis Ticket Penjualan Berakhir HARGA Kuantitas
Zumba Smoothie Combo Promo $15 In-Person Habis Terjual Hari Acara Habis Terjual
Maaf, saat ini tidak ada tiket yang tersedia untuk dijual.

Informasi Instruktur