Informations de l'évènement

Zumbathon® Charity Event - Lansdowne Boys and Girls Club

à Twentith Century Club, Lansdowne, PA



Description  For nearly 70 years, Lansdowne Boys & Girls Club has been serving youth in Lansdowne and surrounding communities through recreational athletic leagues and other activities. The club currently offers fall soccer, winter basketball and spring baseball programs. As the club grows with the support of new members and volunteers, more programs may be added.

Participants à l'événement :  Ouvert au public

Participants non inscrits :  Accepté

Langue de l'événement :  English

Billets pour l'événement

S’INSCRIRE MAINTENANT Billets vendus par un vendeur extérieur. Vous serez redirigé vers un site tiers.

Informations sur l'instructeur